Today has been one of those days.  First….I have never had so many things going on in one day than today and have barely had time to sit down.  I am posting because it is therapy and I need it right now.  Today, my nephew got married.  It is also my husband’s birthday.  The welcoming party (buzzards or something that looked like them) showed up at the temple to celebrate my husband’s birthday with him.  (He might hit me for that smart remark)  Then two of my children are going to the Homecoming dance for their high school.  Some where, some how…the communication for dates and times of some activities were not clearly mentioned and we over scheduled.  Not to mention that there were four other things that I was involved in that just had to go by the way side because….I COULDN”T DO IT ALL!

I live in the country surrounded be farms.  This is wonderful if you minus the downwind smell of cow poo or pig poo and the occasional mosquito.  I love the Fall.  It is my most favorite time of the year.  This is the time of year I got married and fall always reminds me of that wonderful day.  Fall in the country it amazing. The air usually smells wonderful and every once in a while you will get to see the most amazing morning scenery and sunsets.  This morning I looked out the window and thought I was in Florida if it hadn’t been for the huge mountains in the backdrop.  We had this beautiful thin layer of fog just sitting on top of the fence lines.  That means it is starting to turn off cool.  It was amazing….I would show you the picture if I could get my PC to read the memory card.

Anyway, I looked out the window and thought to myself.  This is going to be a great morning.  We had to be at the temple at 8:45 a.m. for the wedding.  My husband and I got ready and went to get in the car only to realize that one of my children had done the unthinkable.  They had left the car window open.  This shouldn’t seem too alarming, but it is.  When I saw the window open I just said CCCAAAAARRRRPPPP!

The gray ceiling of my car had turned black.  That is because there were approximately 1000 flies on it.  This is not an exaggeration.  Well stupid me decided to start whacking at them.  They were nearly dead anyway because of the cold and I realized with one whack I could take a few out.  On the second whack, I realized this was a horrible idea.  I have a lot of hair.  Some call it blessing, some call it a curse.  This morning it was a curse.  The flies started dropping into my hair.  I couldn’t find some of them.  By the time we got to the temple I got out and shook my head and everything else because I felt like I was literally crawling with flies.

We got into the temple and waited for the wedding ceremony to start only to see a couple of flies walking on our bench.  This is sacrilegious people.  I must have had some nearly dead flies in my hair that were resuscitated by the warm temperatures inside the temple.  I am reminded by the saying in Frankenstein…”It’s Alive”!!!!

My husband and I both sat and looked at each other knowing full well we were the culprits who brought the dirty little vermin in.  My poor father rode up with us and I am sure he was packing a few himself.  The entire day I felt like Pigpen.  I stopped to get pizza for the kids and left a “friend” at the pizza joint.  I went to a steak house for a luncheon and left a couple of other “friends”.  Every where I went there were flies.  No matter how many doors or windows we opened, those stupid things would keep reproducing on the spot.  It made me sick to think they were coming off of me like that.

When I close my sleepy little eyes tonight I have a feeling my dreams will be a sequel to The Fly.  Only instead of being a brilliant yet somewhat stupid scientist, I will be a mother of millions of maggots that within two weeks of birth try to take over my body so they can rule the world.  Makes me want to hurl.